研究专长:政府会计、环境会计、环境审计。主持江苏省社会科学基金一项。在《财经研究》、《审计研究》、Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management等期刊发表论文10余篇。
[1] 谭志东,赵洵,潘俊,谭建华. 数字化转型的价值:基于企业现金持有的视角. 财经研究,2022,(03):66-81.
[2] 谭志东,张学慧,谭建华. 环保督察与环保投资:基于中介效应的路径分析. 统计与决策,2021,(08):167-170.
[3] 张琦,谭志东. 领导干部自然资源资产离任审计的环境治理效应. 审计研究,2019,(01):16-23.
[4] Zhidong Tan, Lina Yan*. Does air pollution impede corporate innovation?. International Review of Economics & Finance,2021,(11):937-951.
[5] Jianhua Tan, Zhidong Tan, Kam C Chan*. Does air pollution affect a firm’s cash holdings?. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,2021,(06):101549.
[6] Jianhua Tan, Zhidong Tan*, Kam C Chan. The impact of a tournament approach on environmental performance the case of air quality disclosure in China. Applied Economics,2021,(04):2125-2140.
[7] Zhidong Tan, Jianhua Tan*, Kam C Chan. Seeing is believing? The impact of air pollution on corporate social responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,2021,(01):525-534.
[8] Zhidong Tan, Lina Yan*, Kam C Chan. Is it more effective for national regulators to go directly to the city level to enforce environmental laws?. Science of The Total Environment,2020,(08):138847.
[9] Xuehui Zhang, Zhidong Tan*, Bao-Guang Chang. Is a regional coordination approach to air pollution management helpful? Evidence from China. Sustainability,2020,(01):1-17.
[10] Yuhui Dai , Zhidong Tan*, Jianhua Tan. Regional cooperative pollution control and residents’ health expenditures: Empirical evidence from China. Iranian Journal of Public Health,2019,(06):1033-1042.
[1] 环境责任审计评价优化研究,江苏省社会科学基金一般项目(20GLB017).